Easy Ways To Include Juicing And Blending In Your Diet

Juicing can be an alternative way to get your daily amount of vitamins and antioxidants. A few simple tips can help you choose combinations of fruit and veggies that not only taste good together but provide your body with essential nutrients. Juicing is so easy that there’s no excuse to not start today.

Juicing tips


Use color to show you the way.

Each vegetable or fruit color contains different vitamins and nutrients. Use a variety of colors for optimal health. A bright red tomato, for example, has a different nutritional value than an orange carrot.

Add a cucumber

Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables are incredibly healthy. However, they contain a substance that is not good for you in raw form if you consume too much of it. An occasional juice with some spinach is fine, but make sure to add variety.  Dark Leafy greens tend to be quite strong and not taste all that great. If you add in cucumber, you will not just hide the bad taste, but also add a delicious new flavor. Additionally, cucumber is very nutritious.

Cucumbers inhibit inflammation and are a source of important vitamins and minerals. For example, this vegetable contains vitamins C, B and K, folic acid, calcium, iron, and potassium. In addition, a cucumber contains many antioxidants that have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent cell aging

Tip: Do not store cucumbers too cold. This means that it is best not to store cucumbers in the refrigerator, but rather in the storage room or basement. Cucumbers quickly lose their flavor and become limp in the refrigerator. It is also best to keep the cucumber in its original packaging (shrink wrap).

Vegetables that you don’t like

Try adding a vegetable in your juice that you tend to avoid. Vegetables that you do not like on its own might end up tasting great to you when mixed in a juice with other flavors. In this manner you get nutrients you otherwise wouldn’t.

One new vegetable at a time

Avoid adding more than one new vegetable to your juice mix at a time. If you do not like the taste of the juice or your digestive system does not react well to your new juice blend, you may not know what vegetable to refrain from if you add a bunch of new veggies in the same batch.

Vitamins and minerals

Maybe you simply do not have the time to prepare a gourmet meal each and every night. Juicing vegetables allows you to quickly and easily get the foremost nutrients out of them that you possibly can without spending a lot of time on them. Are you sometimes short on time? Stir Organic Superfoods Juice Powder in water, and your green juice is ready

Cilantro and carrots

When making carrot juice, make sure to get fresh, healthy carrots as these carrots will produce the freshest, sweetest juice. Adding cilantro to the carrot juice gives a better, more interesting flavor. It has a nice, refreshing, satisfying aspect that compliments the sweetness of carrot juice.

Vegetables and fruits

A common beginner’s mistake is adding too much fruit. Despite being filled with vitamins and minerals, fruits expose your body to large amounts of sugar in the form of fructose. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t add a little fruit to your vegetable juices to give it some extra flavor, but too much fructose can spike your blood sugar level.

Many vegetables are easy to juice. They’ll add important vitamins and minerals to your juice as well. In addition, using vegetables can cut down on the calorie count of your juice, which in turn, makes it a better diet option.

Use a blender

Bananas and papayas don’t seem to do well in a juicer. They are very thick and tend to work better when making fruit smoothies with a blender.

A blender is especially suitable for a smoothie because the device does not grind the ingredients so finely. There is no real juice, but rather a kind of thick shake, for example with avocado or banana as a base, or fruit with dairy. The advantage of a blender is that the fibers are not filtered out. Fiber stimulates the proper functioning of your intestines.

With a juice from the slow juicer, only liquid remains. Therefore nutrients are directly and optimally absorbed in your body and give your intestines rest.

I have been using a NutriBullet for several years now. The Nutribullet is a blender with an extra-strong motor of 660 Watt (or 900Watt), with which you can prepare fruit and vegetable smoothies, sauce, proteïneshakes,…
What is very important to me is the fact that the NutriBullet is easy to clean. Unlike other types of blenders or juicers, NutriBullet requires only the cup to be rinsed and the centerpiece containing the rotating screw. This is a matter of rinsing under the tap, and drying the outside of the bullet or allowing it to air dry. Another advantage is the fact that a smoothie is ready within a minute.

In the morning I often make myself a healthy banana milkshake. For this, I use one ripe banana. Usually, I have bananas in the freezer. I add oatmeal milk (or almond milk) without added sugars. Finally, I add a spoonful of cocoa powder. I use organic products for this. This shake is so delicious!!!


Wheatgrass provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including chlorophyll, iron, magnesium, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is believed to detoxify the body, boost cell-reproduction, and cleansing the lymph system. It is best to start out a little at a time as it has a very strong taste. Add gradually a little more each time you juice.

Are you diabetic?

Be cautious of juice, raw or bottled, as it may spike your blood sugar. Choose a vegetable-based recipe if you decide to have some raw juice and limit your serving size. Use a high-speed blender rather than a juicer. By maintaining the fiber in the smoothie, you support digestive health by allowing the fiber to regulate the absorption of sugars and to slow digestion, thereby preventing blood sugar and insulin fluctuations.

 Juicing and blending is a lifestyle

Once you get interested in juicing or blending you may find it difficult to slow down.  Juicing and blending is a good way to get the most from foods. If you remember the tips  in this blog post, you can get the most from your foods in the form of juice or smoothie.



  1. Free Ebook Juice Recipes - Transformelle - […] get overwhelmed and also you can quickly start (as well as stay with it!) a regimen that includes juicing as part…

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