Why Is Rebounding The Most Beneficial Form Of Exercise?

Ever heard of rebounding?

While you’re having fun and burning major calories, you’ll be building your cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, and balance.  A NASA study helped to bring rebounding to the awareness of the public and confirms the extraordinary fitness benefits of bouncing.

By using a small trampoline, people of all ages can exercise on a rebounder. There are different types of rebounders on the market and some even fold for easy storage. Because of the size of these mini trampolines they can be used in your home or even easily transported to your office. If you feel unsteady a stabilizing bar can be added. Rebounding has been taking up in some of your most popular commercial gyms. At the bottom of this article, you will find an overview of what you should take into account when buying a rebounder.

Lymph circulation

Exercising on a rebounder promotes both blood and lymph circulation.

Your lymphatic system is essential to your body’s ability to process fats and it works directly with your cardiovascular system to keep blood and lymphatic fluid levels in balance and flush out toxins. It also carries immune cells throughout your body to help defend against infections. 

If your lymphatic circulation is too slow, toxins accumulate in your body and your immune cells can’t get to where they are needed.  This can cause symptoms such as aches and pains and even swelling. Over time, slow lymph flow can lead to a weak immune system and even coronary artery disease!

Your lymphatic system doesn’t have a dedicated organ, such as the heart, to keep lymph flowing. Instead, it is dependent on stimulation from external forces like for example exercise, breathing, and massage. The up-and-down motion of bouncing on a trampoline improves lymphatic circulation and causes all the one-way valves to open and close at the same time.

Benefits of Rebounding

  • Detoxification – It moves your lymphatic fluid, which promotes detoxification in your body. Your skin is the largest detoxification organ and if you exercise vigorously enough to raise your body temperature you will sweat, expelling toxins out through your skin.

  • Strengthens your heart – Rebounding helps you to attain your heart rate target zone every day that you do the exercise. Rebound exercise strengthens your heart in two ways: It improves the tone and quality of the muscle itself, and it increases the coordination of the fibers as they wring blood out of the heart during each beat. Rebounding allows sticky blood cells to separate from each other, making it easier for the heart to move them through veins and ultimately decreasing blood pressure

  • Increases muscle tone – Rebounding improves muscle tone by engaging every major muscle group in the body. Rebounders need to maintain balance and coordination while bouncing on a small trampoline. This engages more muscle groups—especially those in the calves, thighs, abdomen, and arms—than regular treadmill running.

  • Improves your balance – Rebounding improves your balance and coordination. Because we’re actively engaging the ocular and inner ear canal as we bounce, we’re working to improve balance, timing, coordination, and reaction time—all things which are important for just about everything we do in life.

  • Increases energy lever – Rebounding affects every cell in the body, which then increases cell energy and endurance on a cellular level as it stimulates the production of mitochondria. Rebounding also improves the circulation of oxygen in your cells, which then aids in upping your overall energy

  • Low impact on the joints – Many people with painful ailments are able to use a rebounder because it’s not harsh on the body’s joints like running or other aerobic workouts are. Instead, exercising on a rebounder provides a soft and gentle bounce that has a very low impact on your knees and

  • Rebounding and cancer – Natural News reports, bouncing on a rebounder for two minutes every hour is good therapy for preventing or treating cancer. One hour after rebounding, white blood cell count normalizes. Rebounding every hour will keep your immune system in optimum running condition, as rebounding will flush the lymphatic system.

Most beneficial form of exercise

If you do the techniques of rebounding regularly you will get results and have fun doing it.
Rebounding has become one of the most beneficial forms of exercise ever developed. Bounce your way to feeling healthy. A fun workout that builds strength, cardiovascular capacity, and balance without jarring the body like other exercises.

What to take into account when buying a rebounder

Many different types of mini-trampolines are available. When comparing trampolines, there are many points to consider. To find out which trampoline suits you best, it is important to first check, for example, how much space you have available and what price you are willing to pay.

Price: the price can range from about $ 50 to $ 500

Size: the size can range from 36 inches to 55 inches

Folding or not: if you have limited space and you want to store the trampoline every time after use, it can be useful to buy a folding trampoline. These are also practical to take with you wherever you go. Some trampolines are not foldable, but can, for example, have folding legs.

Frame:  choose a trampoline made of strong frame materials. The benefit of a galvanized frame is that no rust can form if you would often leave it outside in the rain, for example.

Mat materials: Polypropylene is more durable than canvas or nylon. Avoid canvas if you have back, knee or hip problems

With our without handle: if you have trouble keeping your balance, a handle can be useful.

With springs or bungee cord system: With or without an integrated protective mat, which covers the springs or the bungees.

Springs: springs can provide you with a much greater bounce. But cheaper springs will have to be replaced sooner and can make a squeaky noise. Then you also have a difference between the “Soft Bounce Springs” and the “Hard Bounce Springs”. Hard Bounce Springs has a slightly different shape compared to Soft Bounce Springs. The hard bounce springs absorb only 35% of the bounce for a firmer bounce surface. The resilient spring is made to accommodate individuals weighing over 300 pounds and for athletes who want a more demanding bounce area.
Bungee cord systembungee cord trampolines protect and support joints and ligaments by providing a deeper and gentler bounce and it is silent in use.

Weight limit: 220 pounds to 440 pound



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