Adjust your Diet to Reduce Rheumatic Pain and Inflammatory Conditions

Rheumatism is a painful condition. Symptoms can include pain, stiffness, swelling, and in the severe case, even joint growth.
Inflammation is a major component in most Rheumatic pain conditions or rheumatic diseases, therefore it is advisable to eat a good amount of food that reduces inflammation and reduces the consumption of food that contains inflammatory agents.

Here is some simple dietary advice that may help reduce rheumatic conditions:


Choose good fats

Not all fats are equally healthy. Avoid products such as biscuits, crackers and pastries as they contain trans-fats. Fish, especially fat fish, fish oil, olive oil, and walnut oil should be a part of your diet. The fat in these types of food, omega-3-poly-unsaturated fat or omega-9-poly-unsaturated fat reduces inflammation.
However, if you add these types of oils to your diet, you should reduce the intake of other types of fat, so that you do not get too much fat. You should also eat a lot of vegetables since these also make a body chemistry that reduces inflammation. Examples of foods with healthy fats are; fat fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. unroasted nuts, avocados,…

Vegetables & Fruits for your body Ph balance

All the food we eat affects the body. When food is digested, depending on the type of food product, residues remain acids or bases. It is desirable to achieve a slight base surplus. This can be done, for example, by eating enough fruit and vegetables. Vegetable juices are also a good way to get extra bases.

Vegetables are important for the acid-base balance. Make it your goal to eat vegetables with every meal. In addition to the fact that vegetables work basic, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which support the functioning of your organs. The green vegetables are also particularly rich in the mineral magnesium. Magnesium plays a role in up to 200 processes in the body.

Turmeric, ginger, and anti-oxidants

Turmeric: is said to support the immune system positively. The active ingredients of turmeric are best absorbed when taken together with black pepper.

Anti-oxidants: all brightly colored fruits and vegetables are recommended, because of the high antioxidant content, such as blueberries, raspberries, cherries, pumpkin, tomato paste, broccoli, spinach, and so on. Green tea and very dark chocolate also contain anti-oxidants.

: is known as a powerful anti-inflammatory. In addition, it improves blood circulation and can reduce muscle pain.


Do not consume soy oil and corn oil, since these types of fat increase inflammation. Most food that you buy that is ready to eat from the factory or restaurant contains these types of fat. You should, therefore, reduce the consumption of food you do not cook yourself. 

Bread, cereals, and products made of corn or cereals also increase the inflammatory response, especially if they contain wheat. Wheat causes a special type of inflammation in the intestines called celiac disease in some individuals, but may also trigger inflammation of non-celiac type.

However, full-corn cereals and full-corn bread are valuable types of food, so you should not stop eating them. But if you eat bread or corn products at every meal, you should reduce your intake of these and eat more potatoes, beans, and peas.


You should absolutely not consume fat that has been chemically altered to give it another consistency. This type of fat has a very negative effect on your health and may be very potent inflammatory agents. Margarine, snacks, fast food, and ready-made cakes or cookies often contain this kind of fat. Unfortunately, this type of fat is also often added to bread. A good idea could be to bake your bread yourself.



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